Wednesday 13 November 2013

Earth Friendly Faxing

When it comes to pollution people are more concerned with cars and factories than the innocent little fax machine sitting in the corner of their homes or offices. Switching from traditional faxing methods to a more environmentally friendly faxing method i.e. online faxing is something they won’t even consider. Research has shown that one fax machine left in a standby mode for 24 hours is capable of emitting 200kg of potentially fatal CO2 per day and not only that on average close to 2 billion empty printer cartridges will be dumped on landfill site across the country. These empty cartridges leak harmful chemicals into the earth long after the landfills have been cleared the effects still remain.
With fax to email there is no need to leave your electronics on standby mode as the fax is delivered directly into your email’s inbox this in turn may be retrieved from your laptop or cell phone and because a page is not printed automatically you will save money on paper as well as ink and toner cartridges. 

Making a small change like switching to fax 2 email today could provide the youth with a better future tomorrow, we need to stop waiting for someone else to come and help us especially when the power to make a difference lies squarely in our hands.

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