Thursday 17 July 2014

The Newbie’s Guide on: How to Send a Fax

So there you are; a newbie to the business world and to your utter dismay, you are put in charge of the daunting task of sending a fax. The horror, the confusion and lastly the blank look on your face; First of all you wonder how that big piece of archaic machinery is still in existence and secondly, how to send a fax on the thing………

Fast forward to a couple of years later and you are presented with online faxing, one of the most convenient tools to have graced the business world. But now how does one go about using this online faxing service thing? Well it’s actually quite simple, it does not require any plugs, or machinery. All that is required is a call or an email to any fax to email service provider to get registered. Once you have successfully subscribed to a fax to email service, which by the way isn’t all that difficult, then you can start sending and receiving faxes. How the fax service works is: when a fax is sent to you, the service provider receives the fax, converts it into an email. The service provider then sends this email to your inbox where you receive it as an email attachment which will be in the form of a PDF file.

This is such an easy way to send a fax without connecting cables to anything, no machine with a mind numbing array of buttons and best of all you can receive your faxes anywhere.

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