Wednesday 10 December 2014

EFax is the New Thing

Send and Receive Online

Get up to date with everything electronic in this digital world and send and receive your faxes online with no fax machine. It’s all done on the internet and all your need is a sending or receiving device- your phone, tablet or computer- and a working internet connection. 
The next step is to register with a service provider and receive your faxnumber and then you’re ready for business. Your number is discrete and dedicated and that makes your faxes completely secure and private.

You could be wasting thousands of Rands and hours of wasted work time if you are still using the old fax machine with its wasteful usage of paper, its very expensive toner and even more expensive maintenance contracts. You always seem to have a technician peering into the machine’s innards and striking something with a tool of sorts whist crowds gather around waiting to use the machine. 
They mill and chat and pass the time of day rather than go back to their desks to get on with other tasks because if they relinquish their place in the queue, it’s gone and forgotten. They then have to queue from scratch and so the process starts again and recurs again and again.

This scenario could be a thing of the past if you just register with a service provider who gives you free faxing and peace of mind. Join the trendsetters and get faxing online as soon as possible. You will definitely wonder why you stayed behind or so long.

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